Fatigue, low energy, sadness, isolation, and loss of interest in activities that normally bring about joy are few of the many common signs of depression in addition to the symptoms below:
Major depressive disorder is the leading cause of disability among Americans aged 15 to 44, affecting more than 16 million adults. Adults experience depression for a variety reasons, working with a therapist can helps people identify what those reasons are. Whether this is something you have been struggling with for a long time, or if this something that is new and unfamiliar- therapy is the place where you can work toward creating a life full of meaning, joy, energy, and purpose.
Sleep problems
Weight fluctuations
Empty or numb feelings
Increased or decreased appetite
Persistent pessimism
Reach out to contact@evolvetherapists.com to schedule your session today.
Evolve Psychotherapy, LLC
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Phone: 908-498-7448
Email: contact@evolvetherapists.com
Address: 221 River Street
Hoboken NJ, 07030